The fictional character Alfred Pennyworth quoted from the 2008 film ‘The Dark Knight’ said “Some men just want to watch the world burn”.
Well, Tiny would never burn the world. He’s perfectly content to simply point and laugh as it all goes up in smoke. Because if you’re stuck on a roller coaster that’s coming off the tracks, you might as well enjoy the ride.
Several years ago, Christopher “Tiny” Sullivan became just another podcaster, yet a podcaster unlike any other.
Although somewhat sheltered from the uncouth elements of his childhood, Tiny grew up in a rather strange family who quickly taught him how to rely on his sense of humor to navigate this life.
In a world where good looks can get you anywhere, Tiny’s humility and talent for making people laugh is what’s making him a success today.
John Long is addicted to ruining good things. He has lost all of his money twice. He has been fired from teaching Sunday School. He has ruined friendships as well as business relationships. He’s lied, stolen and cheated for everything he has ever gotten. Simply put, John deserves everything that’s coming to him.
Despite all odds, he has managed to keep a wife for two decades. John convinced her to mate with him at least twice and possibly three times. He has yet to be excommunicated from the Southern Baptist Church, despite trying his hardest to get them to disavow any knowledge of him.
Today, he enjoys clean eating, yoga and physical fitness. A lifelong vegetarian, John is an avid friend to all animals. He also records a podcast where he verbally vomits whatever his tiny brain can process given the irreparable damage done to it by drugs and alcohol. Some people think it’s funny.
John Long
Christopher "Tiny" Sullivan
About Tiny:
About John:
this has been a very odd prodution...
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