Earth Oddity Podcast
A weekly odyssey into all the oddity Planet Earth has to offer.
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New Years Special!!
15% off EOP Patreon Subscriptions for the month of January
Oddity Unleashed
The Earth Oddity Podcast was founded by Tiny and John in 2018. The two have been friends for a long time, and they have always shared a love of all things weird.
They decided to do just that - and what started as a dream has turned into an exciting new pdocast!
Each week we bring you an episode of Earth Oddity, where we'll explore everything from politics to ghostly matrimony every week... all while making sure you laugh your tails off!
In their spare time, they began to wonder "What is we took all the weirdest things on planet Earth, put them together in one place, and put them under one roof?"
Get in Touch
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this has been a very odd prodution...
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